Company Events – Profitmaster Global Outsourcing Passionate People, Passionate Careers Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:08:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Company Events – Profitmaster Global Outsourcing 32 32 Moving to our New Office Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:08:28 +0000 August has been our busiest month ever. A big thank you to the whole team who made it possible to move to our new office.    

Everyone has spent months of searching and preparing to get the new office off to a great start.    

Through all our hard work, we finally made it happen!   

On the 8th of August, a week before our 8th anniversary, despite the rain on moving day, we moved to our new spacious and beautiful office. Everyone is so excited to be working here. Happy staff, happy life!   

Every day is a happy day to be working with our colleagues, chatting over breakfast, and bonding over lunch, at the long table in our new cafeteria. Seems like every day is a fiesta. 

The Office Blessing for our New Office 

On the morning of the 19th of August, we gave thanks to God with the blessing of our new office officiated by Father Deo, our Catholic priest who has been witness to the company’s great success throughout the past 8 years.   

The day was made complete when CEO Richard Croaker and his lovely wife Debbie were able to join us in between their official meetings with the Bases Conversion and Development Authority and Clark Development Corporation.   

Thank you to all our magnificent staff who helped with the preparation, the decorations, assisting Father Deo, and making this occasion a very special day.   

Truly, working together is such a joy.   

When we work together, nothing is impossible. 

8th Anniversary Party Spectacular 

We’ve all been waiting for this big day to finally happen.   

Our social and events committees spent almost two months of brainstorming, discussing, pitching, food tasting, ocular inspecting, and everything else that went into making our 8th Anniversary Spectacular, such a huge success.   

Apart from the food, the ballroom at the 5-star Royce Hotel and Casino in Clark what beautifully decorated and the band was already on hand for our arrival.   

It was particularly special as we were joined by CEO Richard Croaker and his wife Debbie along with other members of the Profitmaster Board of Directors who were able to personally present our staff annual awards.   

In addition to organizing the event, the committee promoted a short entertainment program, the idea being to promote friendly and happy staff interaction and collaboration. Our magnificent staff presented 5 acts to showcase their very best 1980s performances.    

Everyone had a great night. Team performances were especially applauded. Looking at their happy faces during each performance, our visitors and special guests really enjoyed it, Our night ended late and left no doubt in everyone who attended that the people at Profitmaster know how to party.  

By: Mary Jane  


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Profitmaster Donation Drive @Duyan ni Maria (Cradle of Maria) Wed, 21 Jun 2023 11:02:26 +0000 “Giving to others is the greatest gift you can give yourself” – Darren Hardy 

Since COVID-19 started, a lot of establishments experienced hardship on how to get their feet up and continue what they started. Orphanages are not excluded from the havoc this pandemic caused. 

Through this, Profitmaster BPO believed that it would be better to share and give whatever they can to extend help to people, and children alike, who are in need. To mark their 2nd leg for the Donation Drive, Profitmaster once again collected various essentials to share with the beneficiary they have chosen. 

Last November 26, 2021, we headed to Duyan ni Maria, a child-caring institution located at Mabalacat, Pampanga, to hand over the supplies. With a little talk with the head staff of the institution, we got to know that the incoming donations lessened due to the pandemic.  

As the event progressed, the well-behaved children gathered in a small receiving area while we handed out free meals for them to enjoy. After the delightful meal, the children got to show their dance moves while some of us danced together with them during their performance. Genuine happiness embraced the whole moment. 

But in every event, the show must end. We had to bid goodbye to the children, but it is evident on the children’s faces that they are happy and grateful, not only on the children’s faces, but also on our faces as well. 

By Kaye Salenga, Team Lead Data Team


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RACE THAT STOPPED THE OFFICE! Wed, 21 Jun 2023 10:49:41 +0000 Central to Profitmaster’s operations is to integrate ourselves into the Australian culture, so our team can relate to our clients as much as possible. And what is more Australian than a luncheon to celebrate the Melbourne Cup? 

The team had a function at a local Australian-style pub with a roast lunch, Fashions on the Field, and a Melbourne Cup Sweep to celebrate the day! 

There was a great deal of excitement as Verry Elegant charged down the Flemington straight to take a momentous victory! 

Ria Baculi was the lucky team member to pull James McDonald’s mount in the Sweep, Archie Baliza took out the Male Fashions on the Field, while the best dressed filly was adjudged to be Alethea Joy Sanchez! 

Being traditionally the first Tuesday in November, the Melbourne Cup comes just a few days after Halloween, a fun part of the Filipino culture each year. 

Our team has had another busy year and as we charge towards the end of the year, it is a great time for the team members to get together and enjoy two very different styles of celebrations from two different parts of the world! 


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