
Construction Engineering Services

We provide Philippines-based offshore engineering staff who are an extension to your onshore team, dedicated to providing the services required in your business.
Benefits of Outsourcing

Why Outsource Engineering Services

Construction projects needs people experienced in construction. A construction project involves a lot of moving parts. A failure in one of these parts can result inexpensive delays and unnecessary costs all of which affect overall project profitability.

Management of the construction processes and managing the people engaged your projects is essential from the planning stage, execution, up to the hand-over. One of the difficulties facing the Australian construction industry is the hiring and assignment of the correct people for the job.

Finding professionals with the right skill sets has become even harder due to a national shortage of engineers and other construction roles. The problem is being experienced not only in Australia, but even in the US and the rest of the world. Due to this demand, construction firms around the world are increasingly partnering with offshore business process outsourcing companies to help with the solution.

Our Staff Solution for the Australian Construction Industry

We provide a staffing solution across the whole of the Design and Construction Process. Our staff resources include assistant architects and drafts people, structural, electrical and HVAC designers, plumbing and sanitary designers and fire protection designers. For builders and general contractors, we can provide estimators, schedulers, project administrators, assistant project managers (project superintendents), VDC/BIM modeler as well as change management/ engineer support.

For trade contractors and subcontractors, we can provide project administrators, assistant project managers, trades draftspersons and trade estimators. Our construction engineers and related staff absorbs large amounts of task-flow at almost half the cost of staff in Australia. Our outsourced service solves the capacity issues faced by builders and related service providers where onshore resources are already being stretched. Staff are working in our secure, high-grade office facility located in the Philippines as if they are working in your own office. Staff work exclusively for you. They are working on tasks as if they are in Australia. You communicate with your offshore team as often as is needed and they work seamlessly with you as a member of your onshore team

Why Outsource in the Philippines

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